
Java 9 Strings

String in Java 9 is a data type just like integer and floating point, but it is used to represent text rather than numbers or a single character.

C++ Hello World with Classes

In this article we will show you how to write C++ Hello World program using classes with constructors and destructors. We will create different beginner C++ programs that will output “Hello, World!” as an example.

Java Hello World – How to Run

In this article we will show you how to start programming in Java from scratch. We will use Java 9 for this beginner tutorial and write and run a “Hello, World!” example program on your computer.

C++ Variables and Data Types

What is data type?
In programming languages, data type is a classification that defines which type of value a variable can contain and what type of operations (mathematical, relational or logical operations) can be applied to it without causing any error or unwanted side effects.

C++ Hello World

This is a C++ introduction tutorial for beginners with an example that will print the text “Hello, World!” written in C++ into the console window.

C++ Boost Asio Introduction Tutorial

In the C++ Boost.ASIO library, ASIO stands for asynchronous input/output. This library allows asynchronous processing of data. Asynchronous means that a program doesn’t have to wait for completion of an operation to start a new one. It can execute more than one operations concurrently.

C++ Function Templates with Examples

In this tutorial we will give an introduction to C++ function templates and provide simple function template examples and a more complex sort predicates example with generic sorting template function. And to the end, there are some examples on C++ template function specialization.