
Building Boost 1.58 with Visual Studio 2015

If you try to build Boost 1.58 with Visual Studio 2015, you’ll get this error “Unknown compiler version - please run the configure tests and report the results” when building, do this.

Boost::format string examples

Once boost::format object has been created with a format string and given arguments, there are two ways of getting a std::string (or std::wstring) from it. One is with boost::str() and the other way is with str() member method.

How to stop a std::async task

Sadly, this is only an intrusive way of stoppingĀ std::async. For an almost non-intrusive way of stopping a thread, look at boost::thread.

Boost scoped_ptr vs unique_ptr

A unique_ptr is also known as std::unique_ptr. Before C++11 it was boost::unique_ptr, but became a part of STD library in C++11 and is now called std::unique_ptr.

An introduction to Boost Signals

In our game Burnt Islands we use boost::signals very extensively. Actually it’s boost signals2 or boost::signals2. That’s the one which is safe to use with threads, which is very important when you’re making games.

Performance testing in C++

While developing a message-driven system we’ve come to a problem of what type of object creation/destruction uses less system resources: stack or heap. And although you maybe know the answer it’s always interesting to measure to be sure. We’ve done it with the help of unit-testing.