Performance testing in C++

By , last updated October 1, 2019

While developing a message-driven system we’ve come to a problem of what type of object creation/destruction uses less system resources: stack or heap. And although you maybe know the answer it’s always interesting to measure to be sure. We’ve done it with the help of unit-testing.

First a test object have been created:

class TestObject
		explicit TestObject(vector a, vector b) : mv1(a), mv2(b)


		vector mv1;
		vector mv2;

Another version of test object is using const reference for parameters:

class TestObject
		explicit TestObject(const vector &a, const vector&b) : mv1(a), mv2(b)


		vector mv1;
		vector mv2;

Now we test memory allocation for 1 million test objects and measure time:

void testAllocHeap()
	vector a(0,0,0);
	vector b(1,1,1);

	time_type startTime = local_time();
	for(int i=0; i<1000000; i++)
		TestObject *pointerToTestObject = new TestObject(a, b);
		delete pointerToTestObject;

	time_type stopTime = local_time();
	std::cout << "Time heap: " << stopTime-startTime <<"n";

void testAllocStack()
	vector a(0,0,0);
	vector b(1,1,1);

	time_type startTime = local_time();
	for(int i=0; i<1000000; i++)
		TestObject pointerToTestObject(a, b);
	time_type stopTime = local_time();
	std::cout << "Time stack: " << stopTime-startTime << "n";

Our measurements show that object creation as a const reference on stack is approximately 20 times more efficient then object allocation on heap.

Senior Software Engineer developing all kinds of stuff.