Posts By: Kent


Professional Software Developer, doing mostly C++. Connect with Kent on Twitter.

Optimize sort algorithm – or how I managed to get a high performance gain

I was recently hired as a C++ guru and performance specialist at a fairly large software consultancy company (1000+ employees). This particular division turned out to be a special division. More on that later. They had some software, which was in dire need of some new set of eyes watching over the code. One should think software developers are quite ubiquitous at a place like that, and they are. However, being mainly a managed shop (C#, Java) the presence of C++ developers is simply stunning (</irony>).

Terraria – Why I like it

This review is about a Terraria video game that is a 2D indie platform game where you can do about anything you’d like. You can fight monsters, build buildings, explore the terrain, gather resources and craft items and equipment.

Auto detecting SATA – IDE hard disk drive

The other day, I had a system drive failure with one of my servers. It was a software mirrored RAID setup (RAID1), where one of those disks have been acting funky for the last months with occasional clicks of death.

Syntax highlight of ipp-files in Visual Studio

IPP files are implementation files that are meant to be included in header files .hpp. They are useful when we work with templates. All template methods need to be defined in the header. Moving templates to .ipp-extention files makes it possible to logically separate template implementations.