
Hentry structured data importance

We have developed a brand new theme for our website with some hot frameworks like Bootstrap and Redux. The theme is clean, secure, fast and mobile friendly. Did we think it was all that was needed? Yes. Until our impressions on Google started to decline.

WordPress Theme development hacks: body height

I was working with a full width and height slider page for my new WordPress theme and it just didn’t want to give me 100% screen height. While on a desktop computer it would not matter, on mobile devices I wanted the slider to be as easy as swooping to the next page with a finger, just like in a book.

How to create Redux sections in a loop

We were creating a WordPress theme, SF Parent and had stumbled upon a a problem where we needed to create 5 or more sections. In these sections, users could choose any pages from their website and assign background color for each section. The sections would then show up on a front page of the website.

WordPress Plugin development by example – SF Generate Tags

One of the plugins that we have developed for WordPress is a tag generator for WordPress posts and pages. The plugin scans the content of the post and names of the attached images and selects tags for the post filtering out no-tag words. In this post I’m going to explore the process of creating the plugin.

How to fix the prev/next arrows image

After updating out WordPress installation and changing some fonts we’ve got some strange images instead of arrows on next/previous posts:  (U+F430) and  (U+F429).
arrows as utf images in wordpress
These images are utf-8 characters in the Private Use Unicode subset.