
Hello concepts

Some of the motivation behind concepts, is to be able to restrict template interfaces in an easy-to-use way. It is possible today using template meta programming and static_assert with C++03/C++11/C++14/C++17. However, the error messages are insanely detailed and it’s almost not possible to decipher them without a black belt in template programming. With any modern compiler, it’s usually 50-100 lines of errors for simple template mistakes.

C++ std::sort predicate with templates

There are a couple of sorting algorithms in C++ from std::sort to lamdbas, each tailored to different use cases. As a programmer, you may or may not want to delve into the depths of sort algorithms. That’s a domain left for experts. Luckily, it’s quite easy to get started with sorting data.

C++ variadic templates


C++11 variadic templates are templates accepting any number of template parameters.

Templates on the surface

Templates is an important part of the C++ language. Templates is a language within the language. There are two kinds of templates, one is function templates and the other is template classes. This chapter will only go through the basic usage and explanations.

Simple threading with std::async

Threading with C++11 comes in two flavours, std::thread and std::async. Though similar, they are different. While std::thread gives you a thread to work with, std::async may or may not execute a certain task on a different thread.

How to show child pages as tabs

In this post I will talk about how to view child pages as tabs in WordPress. We have several plugins where different tabs need to be linked directly from WordPress.org.

Hentry structured data importance

We have developed a brand new theme for our website with some hot frameworks like Bootstrap and Redux. The theme is clean, secure, fast and mobile friendly. Did we think it was all that was needed? Yes. Until our impressions on Google started to decline.

Getting rid of those pesky C-macros in C++-code (QSORT)

My day to day job is being a software developer, and my primary tasks is to seek out and eliminate performance issues with the C++-based software. Early on I spotted some methods taking their sweet time when sorting, thanks to Intel Parallel Studio and their Amplifier module w/Advanced Hotspots. Those methods, which got highlighted where sort-methods using a horrible QSORT macro and a predicate doing one too many things, but that’s another story.

An introduction to Boost Signals

In our game Burnt Islands we use boost::signals very extensively. Actually it’s boost signals2 or boost::signals2. That’s the one which is safe to use with threads, which is very important when you’re making games.

How to handle circular dependencies with templates in C++


Although templates in C++ are well known, and more and more people actually do know how to wrap their head around them, there are a couple of less common circumstances which can leave the programmer rather clueless. This is a problem I encountered while tuning the Message-Component-Entity system in our game under development, Burnt Islands.