
Java quiz: Declarations and Access

1. What is a Java program?
a) A collection of classes
b) A collection of objects talking to other objects by invoking each others methods
c) A template that describes the kinds of state and behavior that objects of its type support

2. Java components are:
a) types
b) classes
c) variables
d) objects
e) instances
f) methods

Basic primitives


When you want to do real time computer physics, like what we see in games, you will have to break the world into understandable items. It’s like Caesar’s divide and conquer tactic. When you are playing in a complex scene, all what really goes on in the physics engine is broken into small, but many pieces. This enables further optimization down the line, which will be covered later, but for now this keeps the collision detection and collision response algorithms easy to understand.

XPath – how to create a custom rule

After I began to use PMD and tried to write my first custom XPath rules, I realised that there aren’t very much information about it. So I needed to figure out almost everything by myself. Here I’ll try to explain what I’ve figured out.