
Building Boost 1.58 with Visual Studio 2015

If you try to build Boost 1.58 with Visual Studio 2015, you’ll get this error “Unknown compiler version - please run the configure tests and report the results” when building, do this.

Master the Windows 10 Clean Up Tips

Though hard drives are getting larger in size, we still face issues such as filled up space, disorganized data, tons of clutter and duplicate files. The newly launched Windows 10 is also prone to host unwanted junk which should be removed occasionally to keep your computer running at its optimum performance. Here are the ways to deep-clean your system: :

Most difficult thing in videogame development

I’m writing this post mostly as a reminder to me and my coworkers at Studiofreya that we are not alone at struggling with video game development. Today I’ve noticed a tweet by famous Hobby Game Dev that was just about this topic. I’m gonna take answers to his question as a ground stone for this post.