
Delete overload in C++

C++11 introduced a way to disable (delete) methods from being used. It is mostly used to delete certain operators. The classic case is the implementation of std::unique_ptr. The copy constructor and assignment operator are deleted, so it is not possible to copy a unique pointer.

JQuery Ajax array push

In this article we will explain how to make jQuery Ajax method call to the WordPress server and send data about checked checkboxes pushed into an array with javascript.

C++ memory leak without virtual destructor

In this post I will talk about detecting and debugging memory leaks in a C++11 program, Visual Studio’s built in heap profiler and Intel Parallel Studio 2019. And also the importance of virtual destructors when implementing derived subclasses.

Grails Javascript Example

In this article we will show how to include JavaScript library as an asset in grails GSP file to dynamically filter results in a HTML table.

Problems with WordPress JWT Authentication

While I’m been doing some research for WordPress publishing, I eventually came across JWT authentication. It’s a form of WP REST API authentication, using JSON Web Tokens.