
RAGE was such a disappointment

A good while ago, I purchased RAGE on Steam. As usual, it was a good deal then. I’m a sucker for post-apocalyptic games like Fallout 3, New Vegas, STALKER-series and the Metro-series.

CEGUI tutorial: Cyrillic Russian fonts

We were planning on going to Steam Greenlight with our game “Burnt Islands” and decided to have more than just “English” language in the game. As we’ve built our own engine it was not so difficult to implement several languages. The solution (and the problem) was CEGUI. It has support for different languages and UTF fonts, but to figure out how to make it work was not so easy.

From Irrlicht mesh to Bullet Physics mesh

There is typically no physics functionality in graphics engines like Irrlicht. If you are using graphics and physics engines instead of one like Unity or Unreal Engine then you will run into a problem called “Irrlicht physics”. Recall that Irrlicht is just a graphics engine. It renders object on the screen and that is all. In order for an object to be able to have physics properties you would need to integrate physics and graphics engines.

Irrlicht culling problem

We’ve recently had major performance issues while testing the game. Debug information has shown that it was the graphics that was taking from 60 and up to 300 milliseconds per second to redraw all nodes. One of the issues that was discovered in analysis is that terrain ISceneNode had automatic culling EAC_OFF:

GLSL shaders: black dots

Recall our previous post about stretched terrain bug in the game. Shader that fixed the problem gave although an unpleasant bug in the form of many black dots with newer graphic drivers. The black dots are usually a result of a NAN error (not a number) and normally related to bad geometry, a bad shader, light or camera.